We specialize in reproduction parts and accessories for 1955-57 Chevy cars. A complete list of Gene Smith dealers is available using the menu above. Ask for Gene Smith Quality Parts! Quality Reproduction Parts from an Enthusiast since 1973
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Our catalog of high quality exact reproduction parts and accessories is now accessible on-line and categorized by area using the menu above.
All of our die casting is done with the hot chamber method. The dies and the metal must both be raised to a certain temperature before, and each time, you cast a part. It is a slower process and requires excellent tooling. While it is more costly and slower, it yields a very consistent high quality part, which is strong and light. This is much like the factory did.
All Parts listed are our own manufacture. We only sell what we make.

Our taillights are requested by all the top builders of show cars because they are the BEST quality. We don't build cheap. Gene says "do it right once". Ask for Gene Smith Parts!
From the beginning our focus has been on quality tooling. You cannot make quality parts with cheap tooling. We are a leader in stainless steel parts; parts that GM made in stainless, and parts that they should have made in stainless. Beautiful, long-lasting, relatively maintenance free stainless steel.
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